Hot Rod
Originally reviewed 23rd September 2014
–++– Hot Rod Review: –++– by Kevin
So if you are aware of this film then you will know that this is not the usual style of movie for Plopcorn. It has famous actors (Adam Sandberg and Isla Fisher to name two) a decent budget and good production quality.
However, given that most people in the civilised world do not know about this film we though it qualified for a Plopcorn review.
The film centres on Rod, a young man who believes he is destined to be a stuntman. Rod comes from …a broken home, his stuntman father died when Rod was an infant and his mother remarried leaving Rod with an evil stepdad but loving step brother. Rod also has a group of friends who support him in his dreams and it is the realisation of these dreams that the film focuses on.
Of course, they are all crazy as bat poop, as are most of the characters in the film. The story follows Rod (oh, and it has a proper story!) on his journey to achieve his goals; will Rod follow in the steps of his father become a stuntman, thus earning the respect of his step-dad?
This is a funny film, there is no doubt that there is a familiar “goofy” like humour that runs throughout and anyone familiar with Adam and The Lonely Island will know he how funny he can be. Indeed there are many laugh-out-loud moments though as the film progresses the gags become more surreal (but they still made us laugh.
Overall the film is in the same genre as Little Nicky, Happy Gilmore or Anchorman. We think this is a pretty good comedy if you like your humour hard, fast and about as subtle as a house brick. There are plenty of quotes and scenes that will have you creased up for days, so cool beans. Beans.. B B B eans.
Overall we are scoring this one
Watch it if you can!