Galaxina (1980)
Sometimes you just don’t ‘get’ a movie and other times you do. It’s what makes watching terrible movies such fun; like Forrest Gump opening up a box a chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.

And this month was no different for us here at Plopcorn towers.
Due to scheduling conflicts one of us had to miss out on our regular movie night and ended up watching the film on their own. This has led to a bit of a schism in how the film has been reviewed. The film in question is Galaxina and so different were our takes on the film that we’ve gone and written two different reviews of it.
We’d love it if could come back here after you’ve read it and ‘upvote’ this page if you have enjoyed the film or ‘downvote’ if you found it awful.
December is our Christmas meeting so it would be good to put this to bed before then.
Here’s the link to the review where one of us loathed Galaxina
Here’s the link to the review where one of us loved Galaxina.
Let us know with your votes whether you loved or loathed it.
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