Sharknado 3: Oh hell no!
Originally reviewed 14th December 2015
–++– Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! –++– by Kevin
If Sharknado 1 was ludicrous and Sharknado 2 preposterous then I’ve already run out of words to describe Sharknado 3. What the film lacks in plausibility and general physics it certainly tries to make up for in über ridiculousness. I’m not going to tell you about the plot, because, generally you should pretty much know if by now. I’m not even going to questions like –
• How sharks can survive the impact of a 2 mile fall? …
• Who puts a self-destruct button on the top of the van?
• How come sharks can actually breath, roar and swim in space?
• How the f*ck did The Hoff get to the moon in about 3 minutes?
No, you can ask yourself these questions and many, many more when you sit back and watch this masterpiece of stupidity. Aspects of this movie make Bobby Ewing’s miraculous dream sequence return in Dallas seem not only plausible but darn right realistic.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s so stupid it’s brilliant! Just when you think “I have now seen everything and nothing else in this film could be that stupid” – tada! They manage to top it and do something even more stupid; and that takes talent. We are loving that the film is embracing it’s inner stupidity, I can’t wait to see how daft things really can get and I wonder how long they can keep it going? I’m guessing it won’t be long before we are looking at time travel or aliens in these babies and there will have to be a point where they lose their entertainment value as they get desperate (I mean a lot more desperate).
Of course, if you are going to watch this film you need to do more than suspend belief, you need to make your head vacant of all the things you know to be true – and if you can achieve the Zen state of Sharknado Vacuousness then sit back and enjoy the ride, you won’t be disappointed, but I do advise a few friends and beers to help wash it down.